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One America Voices: Kathleen Durham

One America Voices: Kathleen Durham

You love to travel and have been to amazing places. What are some of the top areas you’d still like to include on your travel wish list? 

That’s a great question! I’d almost hate to limit myself to any place I can think of. I genuinely love people and cultures, and the idea of being open to visiting a place that hasn’t even crossed my mind yet seems very exciting! However, if I had to land on a few places, I’d say Oaxaca, Mexico, is pretty high up there, as well as nearly all the national parks of Colombia. I’d also love to go to Egypt, Turkey, and Greece someday…and definitely visit the Holy Land and other parts of the Middle East. India has also always fascinated me. There are so many places! But also, deep down inside the old-soul Poirot fan in me would love to be able to do the Orient Express. 

You are multi-lingual; in addition to your native English, you speak Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. What motivated you to learn such beautiful languages? 

Truthfully it all came about because I had to take a language in college and didn’t know where to start, but loved the Sicilian wedding scenes in The Godfather, so I decided to study Italian. Ha! They happened to have a great Italian program at my school, so I quickly got immersed in the culture and fell in love. I got the chance to study in Italy one summer and I still remember the first time I went into a shop in Assisi and I tried to speak Italian to the shopkeeper. I was very shy at the time, but I noticed her demeanor towards me changed immediately because I was trying to speak her language, rather than expecting her to speak mine. It was amazing! And then when she spoke, it hit me what a privilege it was to hear her speak in her own heart language rather than English, for me to take on the role of vulnerability that American tourists so rarely have to take on. I knew immediately it was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I just wish I knew more languages!

Why did you decide to join the One America Movement team? 

I not only believe in the importance of the mission (working to address and heal toxic polarization), but I also believe that the One America Movement is one of the few organizations that has the tools and people to actually make a real and significant difference in this area. Everyone I met–from the team prior to even thinking about joining–was someone I knew I wanted to work alongside in whatever capacity because I saw their integrity, humility, and kindness. It’s such a great group of incredibly talented individuals who are committed to living into the values they profess. I’m so honored to now be a part of it! 

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“Never in living memory has our country been more polarized and divided than we are now. I’m concerned that we may have come to a fateful crossroads in our nation’s history, and I joined the One America Movement’s board to help ensure we take the right path.”

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One America Movement Board Members

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“I joined the One America Movement because we all have to do our part in creating and maintaining a harmonious society.”

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One America Movement Board Members

"I joined the One America Movement because we all have to do our part in creating and maintaining a harmonious society." Zeki Mokhtarzada

“I joined the One America Movement Board because a good friend told me their work would resonate with my passion for connecting people. I have stayed on the Board because OAM embodies the best humanity in all of us—listening to understand, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and believing we share more in common than we think.”

Reverend Denise McKinney
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One America Movement Board Members

"I joined the One America Movement Board because a good friend told me their work would resonate with my passion for connecting people. I have stayed on the Board because OAM embodies the best humanity in all of us—listening to understand, loving our neighbors as...

“I joined the One America Movement board because their unique strategies to combat toxic polarization are inviting to people who hold to orthodox faith traditions, including my own. It is not easy work, but it is necessary, and One America Movement helps Americans from all backgrounds navigate the polarization trends within their communities.”

Matt Hawkins
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One America Movement Board Members

"I joined the One America Movement board because their unique strategies to combat toxic polarization are inviting to people who hold to orthodox faith traditions, including my own. It is not easy work, but it is necessary, and One America Movement helps Americans...

I joined the One America Movement Board after witnessing firsthand their work’s immeasurable impact on local communities and individuals. So much of this work highlights the reality that relational bridge building is a long-term, consistent process that can’t happen overnight but in our everyday interactions with those in our sphere of influence. One America Movement is doing work paramount to our country’s health, and I can’t wait to witness the organization’s continued impact. 

Lydia Fujimura
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One America Movement Board Members

I joined the One America Movement Board after witnessing firsthand their work's immeasurable impact on local communities and individuals. So much of this work highlights the reality that relational bridge building is a long-term, consistent process that can't happen...

“I joined the One America Movement Board because I was frustrated by the toxic polarization I saw gaining a foothold in our country. Being on the board has given me hope and shown me that we can make a difference, one step at a time.” perfect union.”

Reverend Leslie Copeland-Tune
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One America Movement Board Members

"I joined the One America Movement Board because I was frustrated by the toxic polarization I saw gaining a foothold in our country. Being on the board has given me hope and shown me that we can make a difference, one step at a time." perfect union." Reverend Leslie...

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