One America Voices: Brandon Cleaver

Written by: Brandon Cleaver

Brandon Cleaver

Detroit, Michigan
Matthew 5:9 Fellowship Director

Q: You are a Detroit native and a poetry writer. How did your upbringing there affect your writing? 

Detroit, like many places, is a rich tapestry of culture. It radiates aesthetic beauty and grooms many kind, giving, and charming people. Yet there are also historical elements that have contributed to its dilapidation on several levels. I find this paradox intrinsic to many aspects of life, particularly as a Christian, and therefore, a compelling writing foundation.

Q: You love your volunteering opportunities with Serve the City Detroit and Crew Inner City Detroit.  What is it about these programs that drew you to want to offer your talent and time to them? 

The congruence between the people and the mission. The people who I serve live the missions of their organization in their everyday lives, so it’s not merely a “job” but a vocation. Plus, both serve the residents of my native city, which is especially important to me.

Q: What made you decide to join the One America team? 

For years I have been an itinerant speaker, giving messages on various topics, and trying to help people see the beauty, truth, and fullness inherent to Christianity. But the core of my ministry echoes Paul’s words in 2 Cor. 5 . . . a “ministry of reconciliation.” Being a reconciler entails being a bridge builder. Seeking to love others across different cultures and contexts. This posture is at the crux of the One America Movement. Loving others by understanding and equipping faith communities to deal with the things in our culture that sow seeds of dissent and division. The One America Movement reflects my heart’s desires, so I saw this as an opportunity to live out my personal ministry in my everyday vocational life, serving with others who share that desire.

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