Our latest:

“Never in living memory has our country been more polarized and divided than we are now. I’m concerned that we may have come to a fateful crossroads in our nation’s history, and I joined the One America Movement’s board to help ensure we take the right path.”

Clark Neily
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More stories from the One America Movement

The Sound of a Low Whisper

The Sound of a Low Whisper

The world of social media is filled with supposed “revolutions.” It is filled with strong winds, earthquakes, and fires. Everything feels so loud, critical, and urgent. But let us be mindful not to allow the urgent to replace the important.

Getting Proximate

Getting Proximate

For the One America Movement, getting proximate means working alongside others to solve pressing challenges in our communities. It means experiencing religious traditions and cultures that aren’t yours and building trust and relationships with communities that are different from yours. As a non-profit, it means listening to faith leaders tell us what they’re facing in their communities and then designing resources and projects to fit those needs, rather than us coming to them with all the “answers” in a box.

One America Voices: Rosalind Porter

One America Voices: Rosalind Porter

Q. You have such interesting hobbies--beading, knitting, creative writing, and Japanese flower arranging. What is it about these hobbies that drew you in and made you want to pursue them?  I began beading by accident. I was on the way to a co-worker’s house, and...

One America Voices: Adam Coleman

One America Voices: Adam Coleman

Q: Your nonprofit is called Tru-ID Apologetics, which focuses on Christian apologetics. Can you tell us more about this cause and why you are passionate about it?   Amongst the various things we hold dear in our lives, our faith and the worldviews that frame...

One America Voices: Roger Twinsdom

One America Voices: Roger Twinsdom

Q. As a young adult, you moved from Cameroon, West Africa, to America. What is the biggest positive about your move to the United States, and what are some of the most notable differences between the two countries?  The biggest positive about moving to America...

Toxic Polarization in the Wild

Toxic Polarization in the Wild

The One America Movement is celebrating its fifth birthday this month and along the way, staff members and special guests have written some insightful blog posts to help illustrate the “why” behind the fight against toxic polarization. Here are just a few of our favorites.

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