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“I joined the One America Movement because we all have to do our part in creating and maintaining a harmonious society.”

Zeki Mokhtarzada
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More stories from the One America Movement

Harry Potter and Polarization

Harry Potter and Polarization

The popular series Harry Potter has a lot to teach us about toxic polarization and what it means to be an in-group moderate. Neville Longbottom is an understated hero for those who long to stand up even when it’s hard.

The Strategy of Screwtape

The Strategy of Screwtape

Pastoral Advisor Tom Breeden presents an analysis of C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. The science of polarization is weaved throughout this classic, and its lessons are a teacher for all of us.

We Belong Together

We Belong Together

As the One America Movement celebrates a milestone birthday, CEO Andrew Hanauer reflects on the pivotal moments of the organization’s fight against toxic polarization in America.

Will Smith: Protecting Sacred Values

Will Smith: Protecting Sacred Values

The slap heard ’round the world is an excellent opportunity for all of us to examine our sacred values and and how they play into fighting toxic polarization in our country.

Lessons in Leadership and Polarization

Lessons in Leadership and Polarization

A Candid Conversations interview with the One America Movement, featuring our chair emeritus, Afia Yunus, and our new Chair of the Board, Matthew Hawkins.

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