Madeline Pannell

Madeline Pannell

Madeline Pannell, the Executive Associate to the CEO, is a Virginia native. She grew up just outside of Washington, D.C., graduated from the University of Virginia in 2022, and has returned to make Arlington, VA, her home.

During her time at UVa, Madeline embraced her lifelong interests of culture, religion, and politics by pursuing a B.A. in East Asian Studies plus a focus in Religious Studies. Living in Charlottesville during the pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests was a seminal moment for her academically and personally. These experiences refined her passion for and study of bridging divides and cultivating relationships across diverse groups.

Madeline participated in this work during her time as an assistant researcher and developer at the Center for Digital Editing at UVa and then subsequently as a Program Assistant at the Center for Public Justice. She is also a proud graduate of the Capital Fellows Program in McLean, VA.